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The World Calibration Center for UV (WCC-UV)
by Dr. Julian Gröbner, Dr. Gregor Hülsen


A GAW World Calibration Center for UV (WCC-UV) has been established at PMOD/WRC since January 1, 2013. Its main function is to ensure that the solar UV irradiance data submitted to the GAW World UV data Centre (WOUDC) is of known and adequate quality to meet the needs of the scientific community. By its activities, the WCC-UV aims at improving the data quality in the global GAW solar UV network and at harmonizing the measurements from different stations and monitoring programs in order to ensure representative and consistent UV radiation data on a worldwide scale. We present the Terms of Reference for the WCC-UV. These are first, to provide traceability of solar UV irradiance measurements to the SI through calibrations and comparisons of the station instruments with the reference instruments operated by the WCC-UV. Second, to assist the WMO/GAW Scientific Advisory Group on Ozone and UV radiation in the development of the quality control procedures required to support the quality assurance of solar UV observations and ensure the traceability of these measurements to the SI. Third, to maintain a set of reference irradiance standards and ensure their traceability to the SI units through intercomparisons of transfer standards traceable to primary irradiance standards held at National Metrological Institutes (NMIs). Fourth, to maintain and operate a transportable reference spectroradiometer for the routine quality assurance and calibration of spectroradiometers measuring spectral solar UV irradiance through regular site visits. Fifth, to maintain and operate instrumentation, to provide calibration facilities for UV radiation radiometers(spectral and broadband). And finally to provide traceability to the primary spectral irradiance standards of NMIs, by calibrating spectral irradiance standards of UV monitoring laboratories.


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Topic : Theme 1: Earth Energy Balance.
Reference : T1-C12

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